Saturday, April 30, 2011


.. to be sophisticated. yes . p-r-e-t-e-n-d-i-n-g, which means I’m not.

and yes. my nose bridge is flat. Just remembered. I do actually not have one.
Truth hurts, only when denying it.

I'm going to church in a minute

Friday, April 29, 2011

What a day.


Halløj! – Har virkelig brug for at skrive på dansk idag! XD
Jeg har ikke lavet så meget idag. Dansede polka for sidste gang I idræt, og fik æren af at have Jonathan fra min klasse som partner… Det skal nævnes at han er 203 cm og jeg er 156, så hvis nogen kan forestille mig danse polka, kan jeg fortælle det ikke var et særlig kønt syn at se mig løbe rundt om min partner, men sjovt var det ! ^^
I fransk sad vi og så det royale bryllup live på youtube og jeg er vild med Kate’s kjole. Den er vidunderlig !
Idag blev oreo konkurrencen udtrukket, og nej jeg vandt desværre ikke. ØV! Det ville nu være lækkert at have muligheden for at sende ens forældre og søskende og hvis jeg vandt, ville jeg ikke tage med. De fortjener det –ikke mig. Skidt pyt.
Efter skole var der fredags bar… og tradition tro ( det er faktisk kun trejde gang) og på opfordring af mine klassekammerater, købte jeg lodder. Jeg købte for 9 kr = 9 lodder. Jeg vandt på 2 af dem… LOL! . Jeg vandt to potteplanter !!!
Tog en kort tur I byen og er hjemme nu med papir I næsen, da jeg lige har fået næseblod, men logger af nu og skal pakke, for jeg tager til KBH om et par timer.
FORRESTEN** – det er godt nok beværligt at cykle med et træ og en potteplante I en cykel kurv, når man har allergi ?

( til jer der skal til open by night – SNYD! JEG VIL OGSÅ!!!)

min præmnie ^^

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yes sir..

Addiction is affliction .. I have my Ishoes’ - wanna share?
I … Once again.. cleaned the shoe collection that I have under my bed. This is the 2nd time this month ! the first picture is a couple of weeks old and the second is today. My mom is a shoe’holic. It’s totally awesome, because we almost have the same shoe size !!!Smiley med åben mund

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who's your favorite Disney character?

Donald Duck !

Speak up !

Hey HO silver !

I don't quite get this.. It’s a jewelry collection by Mainson Martin Margiela’s with pieces that actually are made of silver, but with this unique texturing they appear as they were wrapped with aluminum foil..Which kind of goes against the normal marketing rules of making cheaper stuff look more expensive, not the other way around. I find it funny and awesome. They look cheap – but they’re expensive from inside to outside.

Monday, April 25, 2011

What was your favorite thing to do during recess at school?

I loooooved to do math back in old days... Now .... it's eating

Speak up !

Sunday, April 24, 2011


HOW THE%#$^#$%&#^%$#^#%$#@ CAN I BE SO SELFISH?!?!?!?!

Mom and Dad - I'm sorry . Once again./... I have let the two persons who love me the most ... down ... I have dissapointed them . I regret everything. I 'm angry at myself that i have been such a coward. NO ! SUCH AN IDIOT!. I WANT TO DIE !@#$%

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What did you do during Formspring's downtime?

spending my formspring time with my family. Never take your family for granted ^^

Speak up !


Haaaallløøj ! Idag er det lange fredag og jeg har fastet idag, fordi jeg er katolik, men sjovt nok har jeg slet ikke været sulten. Mere “lækker sulten”, men fornuften sejrer altid ^^
Tidligere idag tog jeg til sverige med min familie, og vi har bare hygget os og været ude for at handle I malmø’s “rosengård”. HAHAHA !!!
Lige nu prøver mine fætre at synge karaoke og rappe, men det lyder rigtig sjovt ! Hahah!!

Skulle med på midnats fisketur sammen med min far og mine onkler, men … Tja… Piger måtte alligevel ikke være med… Damn… Og jeg er omringet af små børn og mine … lidt for store fætre. Men heeey ! Sverige er sjovt og jeg er underlig!!


Jeg tror, at jeg vil tage en tur I byen I morgen og hvis vejret er rigtig, jeg mener RIGTIG godt, så tager jeg med ud på stranden med min kusine Chausen og hendes venner. Vi får at se.

Damn… Jeg har lyst til en applepie.. JEG ELSKER SVERIGE .. Og nej Jeg er ikke fuld . Jeg er overtræt .’ og omringet af små børn.

Undskyld for dette “skod” indlæg, men det er hvad jeg lige kunne byde på I denne stund.

C’ya – lots of sweedish love ! - Emtie

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I’m looking for a cheap USB right now cause I can not find mine. My friend showed me this one and now thrilled by the idea of showing up in school with this one’. I doesn’t look real.. but anyway .. the idea is unique. HAHAHA XD

And too I love the Mickey mouse glove, the Wii remote and too the Phillips figure usb key!! they are my favs!!^^ but i  will blog about my fav another time ^^

Ohh and there’s this one too … “Back to earth” keys.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What tech gadget do you want to buy next?

I do really want a tablet !! but it cost quite much $$$, and i want to buy it from my own money !

Speak up !

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who is your best friend and how did you meet him/her?

HAhahah !!! I have been waiting for this question. My best girlfriend is Baaby, my co-blogger and one a few do know that Baaby and I were enemies when we were younger. Hahah even though we are cousins we hated each other!! always ended up in fights. Baaby was always the boss in the clubs we made, and i was the outsider, and guess why? because i couldn't swim or dance, and she only had two clubs. SWIM AND DANCE CLUB! XD

W0ND3R R10


I went to the cinema with the kiddos, my aunt, my cousin and my “niece”. We watched the new Warner Brothers animation film Rio. The one with the colorful parrots and I loved it!, even though we watched it in Danish, the songs were still pretty good Smiley med åben mund. I love the birds and now I want my own bird !!! I WANT AN EAGLE… okay maybe I’m too demanding… okay.. I WANT AN MINI OWL!!!!


After I bought each one of them a cake, and a bigger cake for my aunties at home, and then I went out with my cousin Anh Thu to her new apartment, to help her with some stuff. The apartment isn’t ready yet, but almost finished.
IMG_3341 I skipped a meal and instead I managed to put together a small table for my nephew, and the diner table. Then I went to Bilka at Fields with my uncle to buy some food and coke, but then he saw that there was a ticket on his car.
510 dkr ?!!! OMG !!!
At Bilka he paid for my food(Tuna, mackerel in tomato, “brown bread” and four milkshakes for the bunch at home). I got him an ice-cream in return Æh-bæh. We did also buy two crates of beer and 3 crates of coke… But the caschier forgot to check it, so we did not pay for it… omg .. And we found out on the way home… Hhahahha !

- My icecream costed 15 dkr ^^



But today was a really good day. The weather was awesome !!! I wore shorts, bare legs and a short sweater + my new wonder woman bracelets all day ! Smiley med åben mundIMG_3326


Have to go ! I’m going to practice a Girls generration dance with the kiddos now, because I' have promised them so ! XD







Monday, April 18, 2011

Black day

- Noodle day. April 14th
pics 052
- I cooked for Julie. I'm still fastening :D

What rule do you find yourself always breaking?

I'm lazy and selfish . that should tell everything.

Speak up !

Out there.

Hi There !
Right now I'm in the train with the kiddo's and heading for Copenhagen to visit my family. I'm going to be there for the holiday, and I'm quite exited! I haven't seen my cousins's lovely faces since the winter holidays, and therefore I want to spend time with them as much as possible. but. I have homeworks to do. I think I have like 5 assignments, and I have to get rid of them within this week. I know I'm on vacation, but still i'm busy. I have to get some sleep, because last week was a killer, and you can see the "scars" left on my face.

This Sunday, it has been 40 days since the fast began, and I have learned a lot from this. I know i should be grateful that i have so many options in life. That I actually have an option. I can be who i want to be. I'm born with a future. And i feel like a bastard, because I know that thousands of people at my age out there, that would die to have what I have even though it's not much.
There is a difference between me and them. I'm born. They're not.
I am shaped by my parents and nursed by somebody's love. They are, each one of them, created by gods hands.
Every single piece of hair, every single freckle. Every part of them can only be described as piece of art. An artist's pride.  
They HAVE a future.

I'm ruining mine.

Well'... gotta go. I'm getting of the train in a minute. with a fine in my hand.

Eye love it

Mon Dieu!!’.
I forgot to show you guys these !, I got them from my cute, little Mom!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Which sport do you like the most? and of course have as a carrer, if you were an athlect? :D

Theres a lot i like !, I think i would like to be a galactic football, tennis-ninja!.

Speak up !

Skrub ud !

Hahahah !’ okay titlen kan godt være misledende, men dette indlæg handler om 2 ting, jeg købte fra kvickly her idag ^^.
- Jeg har købt en scrub og en body butter fra Änglemark, og har lige prøvet dem af, og jeg er vilde med dem!!, måske også fordi jeg ikke har så meget at sammenligne med… At være allergiker begrænser ens valg og forbrug, men jeg er overlykkelig over at der bliver sat mere fokus på problemet I nyere tider. Da jeg fik det, fandtes eks. Neutral ikke… Der var ingen parfume frie og budget venlige husholdningsprodukter, så den første tid var især streng, men det bliver bedre og bedre ^^.

Salt scrub’ben har et minus, fordi det er umådelig svært at få noget ud af den ! Ellers er konstensen blød og tyk. Den er “packed” og indeholder olie, så den efterlader huden blød, og heldigvis føles det ikke som om at gnide grov salt i ansigtet! Æh-bæh
Body Butter er jeg rigtig glad for, fordi den er fed uden at minde om en fedt crème. Den klister heldigvis ikke !. Jeg er stor forbuger af fedtcreme og jeg hader mest, når det føles som om at cremen “smelter” og klister på indesiden af mine bukser, fordi jeg altid skal “pakke” mig ind I det.
Det bedtse er at begge produkter er uden parfume. Smiley med åben mund

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Have you been able to keep your New Years resolutions or have you broken them?

I have broken acouple, but also kept a few... so far so good.^^

Speak up !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Who is your best male friend?

If i had one'... I would marry him.

Speak up !

Would you rather hang out with a small group of friends or a large group?

That depends'. But anyway . I like to be with all of my close friends! <3

Speak up !


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Besides Formspring, what websites do you check the most often?

My blog, other blogs, Facebook, my mail, my school's homepage + tetrisfriends, google translate ... I think that's it ^^

Speak up !

Feeling blue.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just when…

Når nu min verden bliver kold og forladt
finder jeg trøst i min kæreste skat
klipper motiver med drømme og saks
papirsilhouetter af den fineste slags




Livet er langt
lykken er kort
salig er den der tør give det bort

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you could be the president or leader of your country for one day, what would you do?

Take a nap at the president suite @Hilton + eat a club-sandwich and enjoy a café latte. Without paying. Take a stroll on the streets. Google myself a hundred times. Donate money.

Speak up !

What qualities do you look for when you're dating someone?

First of all, he has to be friendly, be polite when he talks + taller than me. He has to love my siblings even though how mean they can be'. And most important.. He has to be patient.
- Maybe he has to know, that love would not keep us together.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do it for JAPAN !!


//:Emtie out.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paper cut

No v’logs today… But I filmed this instead ^^

What's the first thing you check when you turn on your computer?

What the time is ... Then my blog .

Hit me !

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love or money?

Money'.... Sorry - I don't believe in love ;)

Hit me !

Er Tuan din kæreste? Jeg er så forvirret!

Hahahah !!! Nejnej'. Meget lang aprilsnar'. Den skulle vare i en uge, men vi blev bustet, fordi tuan blev snydt og fortalte det hele'. XD

Hit me !

so are you not in the relationship with Tuan Phong Tran anymore?

Hahahah ! Nono'. That was not even serious! We planned to do a prank on a friend for only a week, but then he found out', and now Tuan is angry at me because he thinks it's my fault ! but it was actually him who confessed', because he was told that he got deceived by me'. soo... he ruined everything! XD

Hit me !

What would you do if you won the lottery?

first of all', give my parents a "new life". Then I would move out and take my siblings with me'. :)

Hit me !

Friday, April 8, 2011

Er Tuan Phong Tran din kæreste? :)

Tja' hvad er han ?'

Hit me !

Denmark vs. Sweden?! :D


Hit me !

Strawberry or kiwi?

Strawberry !

Hit me !

What's your favorite clothing brand?

... I have many'. I like Burberry, H&M, Company, Chanel, Vila, + a lot more .

Hit me !

Er Tuan Phong Tran ikke din fætter? :)

what? Not even close? What the heck are you thinking? Eww! Gross!!

Hit me !

What movie are you most looking forward to seeing?

well that must be the new scream 4!x]

Hit me !

i love your ring with wings! Where is it from?

i love your ring with wings! Where is it from?

Answer here

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Could there be something between you and Tuan Phong Tran? Could it evolve to a relationship?

Huh? there is 200 km between Tuan and I, but I did not know that i wasn't in a relationship with him already...???

Hit me !

Ear cuff

Ohh yeah ! Forgot to post a picture of my earcuff. It was simply an old cross earing that i added some extra on ^^ and btw. not heavy at all, but yes... if my face doesn't blush ... my ear does...

*Pictures of the stuff i bought are coming up soon ^^

Do you love Tuan Phong Tran?

Love is such a weird word' .  but I love him'

What do you think the world will be like in 50 years?

Will there even be a world ?'

Hit me !

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


If you could teleport to any place right now, where would you go?

To a place where time beside anything else doesn't exist. Time is a murder. it kills both happiness and sorrows.

Hit me !

Designer Bazaar



Went out with my lovely friends last Sunday and bought so much stuff!, Pictures of the stuff will come up in this week! But I have a V’log or bed’log as I would call it, ready for you guys! Enjoy!







And YAAAY !!! you can finally see my “not that new again –haircolor” !!!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh It’s Friday !

Hej där !

Var til tandlægen idag (dvs. fravær for et helt modul). Sjovt nok var min tandlæge ret så humoristisk, men ellers var det bare mig og klinikassistenten der kunne se det sjove. Jeg har en smal mund, og tandlægen sagde, at jeg ville få problemer, fordi jeg er ung og kan finde på at putte hvad som helst I min mund … HAHAHAHAHAH !!!!
Klinikassistenen og jeg skraldgrinede !!
Mens de rodede rundt I min mund, blev jeg spurgt om det gjorde ondt nogen steder, men hvordan skulle jeg kunne svare, når der var 6 fingre I min mund inkl. en spytsuger ? det blev mere til “Haaaaahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”-lyde ^^
Efter 1 time og 15 minutter var jeg endelig færdig, men jeg var lam fra næsen til hagen, men kun på højre side. Selv min tunge var lam ! HAHAHA !!!

Jeg tog tilbage til skolen, varmede min pasta, men den var ALT for varm … Så kunne ikke rigtig spise den, men så fandt jeg ud af at stadig kunne spise. Jeg skulle bare tygge I den lamme side af min mund, for jeg kunne intet mærke ^^.

Efter gik jeg ned I hallen og så fodbold. Skolen holdte sin årlige fodbold tunering, og min klasses hold, Mickey’s Team (Mickey er coachen) spilleder godt ^^.
Sjovt nok hed Baaby’s klasses hold “5-0 Vi griner stadig”… Why ? Tja … De spillede første kamp … scorede 5-0 … og nøjagtig det samme I deres anden kamp…. omg …. De lever da op til navnet …

Tog til Rosengård omkring 3 tiden for at se om der var noget specielt. Fik købt lidt, men ikke det helt store ^^. Cyklede hjem I regnvejr og kan stolt sige, at jeg har cyklet 43 km.


Friday, April 1, 2011